Gain Real Instagram Followers using AI – How to Guide for Your First App

If you’re running a business account on Instagram, knowing how to increase engagement on your posts and gain real followers on your Instagram account is a must to boost and sustain growth.  However, gaining real followers is a challenge and time-consuming process. In this series of posts, you are going to build artificial intelligence (AI) […]

3 Examples of User Personas – Clear and Practical Way

The following post provides 3 examples of user personas created using Google Analytics and Data Studio. Automated data collection and consolidation is done by Data Studio to generate dashboard and reports. What are user personas? User personas are profiles of our customers to help understand their needs, behavior, and goals. These users share similar characteristics, […]

Classical & Statistical Time Series Modelling of United Health Group’s Stock Price

Time series is different from a regular regression problem because it is time dependent. The basic assumption of a linear regression that the observations are independent doesn’t hold in this case. Along with an increasing or decreasing trend, most time series have some form of seasonality trends, i.e. variations specific to a particular time frame. […]

Novelty, Anomaly and Segmentation Discovery using Matrix Profile

In this notebook, novelty and anomaly and segmentation discovery using Matrix Profile. We are using Stumpy for time series data mining tasks. We’ll examine a data set containing daily opening values for the United Health Group from 2016 up to present day. UnitedHealth Group Incorporated is an American for-profit managed health care company based in Minnetonka, […]

Principles of Good Visualization

The following are the principles of good visualization by Andy Kirk: Good data visualization is trustworthy: Truthfulness and accuracy should be an obligation. Trustworthiness is about being transparent giving readers all the information they need in order to feel confident about what they are reading and what interpretations are legitimate. Good data visualization is accessible: […]

An Analysis of the Impact of EU Membership on the Economic Development of Ireland

Recent economic recession and Brexit has raised doubts about the EU membership among member nations. This paper analyzes the public data from World Bank to determine the impact to the economic development of Ireland since joining the EU on 1st January 1973. The paper shows that EU membership has a positive relationship with the development […]

A Comparison between Cassandra and MySQL

Introduction Cassandra is a distributed, no single point of failure, continuously available and scalable. NoSQL database that manages a large amount of data across many data centres and cloud servers. It offers both operation simplicity and capacity to scale linearly. While MySQL is the world’s most popular, cost-effective, high-performance relational database(Kumar, 2016). It comes with a […]

Effect on Facebook’s Stock Price after Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Recently, Facebook is in news almost daily for its inability to prevent Cambridge Analytica(CA) from gathering personal data from 87 million users. CA used the harvested data to profile users to predict voting patterns in 2016 US presidential elections. Some of the important dates for the event are: March 16, 2018: The news broke of […]

Solutions to Support Real-Time Data Analytics

Organisations embracing big data use non-traditional strategies and technologies to gather, organize, process and gather insights from large datasets. These solutions do not support real-time analytics. Real-time analytics require technology to handle data that is generated at high velocity and send by the sources simultaneously in small sizes. Data is required to be processed sequentially […]

Text Analytics in the Healthcare Industry: Data Warehousing and Applications

Abstract— Text analytics is the method of extracting information from text. It involves structuring the text to evaluate, discover patterns and interpret the output. It enhances meaning to data and finds nuggets of information from both transaction-based and decision support systems by removing the barrier between structured and unstructured data. Analysis of text data helps […]