Gain Real Instagram Followers using AI – How to Guide for Your First App

If you’re running a business account on Instagram, knowing how to increase engagement on your posts and gain real followers on your Instagram account is a must to boost and sustain growth.  However, gaining real followers is a challenge and time-consuming process. In this series of posts, you are going to build artificial intelligence (AI) […]

3 Examples of User Personas – Clear and Practical Way

The following post provides 3 examples of user personas created using Google Analytics and Data Studio. Automated data collection and consolidation is done by Data Studio to generate dashboard and reports. What are user personas? User personas are profiles of our customers to help understand their needs, behavior, and goals. These users share similar characteristics, […]

Discover AWS Serverless way to Deploy Food Recipe Application in 7 Easy Steps

This post shows AWS serverless architecture to deploy a machine learning application. I will deploy the food recipe application as discussed here using AWS Fargate. Fargate is a service provided by AWS Serverless computing that removes the need to provision and manage servers. You can specify and pay for resources per application and improves security […]

How to Quickly Save a Trained Machine Learning Model

This blog post discusses how to quickly save a trained machine learning model that suggests recipes based on the user’s data, and nutritional value using Joblib and Pickle. The reason I decided to work on this is that the domain of food is varied and complex and presents many challenges to developing a recommender system. […]

7 ShortListed Free and Decisive MLOps Tools for Food Recipe Application

This article discusses Machine Learning Model Operationalization Management (MLOps) tools to develop and deploy a food recipe application. It lists the tools that are framework-, platform-, and infrastructure-agnostic using Python for development. To find the ideal tool for the MLOps task, a decision-making and analysis process is employed. The goal is to design an end-to-end […]

Steps to Install Miniconda and Serverless on Windows Debian Terminal and VS Code

Installation To get started, you need to: Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux along with your preferred Linux distribution.Note: WSL 1 does have some known limitations for certain types of development. Also, extensions installed in Alpine Linux may not work due to glibc dependencies in native source code inside the extension. See the Remote Development and Linux article for details. Install Visual Studio Code on the Windows side […]

Deploy Serverless Machine Learning Model to AWS

In this post, we will deploy a serverless machine learning model to AWS using Serverless. The set-up of Serverless is discussed here. Let’s create a directory Windows 10, we can create a virtual environment and activate it as follows: Install Virtualenv  In your VS Code command shell prompt type Start virtualenv  Activate virtualenv  On Windows, […]

Serverless Framework (Windows) – How to Deploy Python REST API to AWS

In this walk-through, we will: Install Serverless Framework (Windows) Deploy a Python REST API endpoint Getting Started To get started, you’ll need the Serverless Framework installed. You’ll also need your environment configured with AWS credentials. Install as a standalone binary Serverless Framework (Windows) Install with Chocolatey: choco install serverless For other operating systems , please visit the link. Create […]

Data-driven Analytics Support for E-commerce

This post details how to develop data-driven analytics support for e-commerce. E-Commerce is a fast-growing and highly competitive space. Businesses need to continue testing and iterating to improve business operations, stand out from the competition and ensure that it is moving in the right direction. The GitHub repository has code for a web application that […]