Discover AWS Serverless way to Deploy Food Recipe Application in 7 Easy Steps

This post shows AWS serverless architecture to deploy a machine learning application. I will deploy the food recipe application as discussed here using AWS Fargate. Fargate is a service provided by AWS Serverless computing that removes the need to provision and manage servers. You can specify and pay for resources per application and improves security […]

Deploy Serverless Machine Learning Model to AWS

In this post, we will deploy a serverless machine learning model to AWS using Serverless. The set-up of Serverless is discussed here. Let’s create a directory Windows 10, we can create a virtual environment and activate it as follows: Install Virtualenv  In your VS Code command shell prompt type Start virtualenv  Activate virtualenv  On Windows, […]

Full-stack Deep Learning Application Using AWS Fargate Serverless Infrastructure

This post showcases full-stack Deep Learning Application Using AWS Fargate Serverless Infrastructure. The project we optimise a model for Utilisation of hospital beds – COVID-19. It is motivated by the overcrowding of hospital beds due to COVID-19. Another reason is to avoid the repeat of the events which happened at the beginning of the pandemic. […]

Data Science Libraries in Docker Container and AWS

In this post, we will be installing data science libraries in a docker container and AWS.  It will show how to easily access the data science libraries from anywhere in the world without downloading and installing Python, runtime libraries, and the Jupyter package. The walk-through is for Windows platform. AWS We need an AWS Account […]