Why public sector experience difficulties in developing an information systems strategy?

A public sector organisation is one whose ownership, funding and operation are by the government or one of its agencies (Broadbent and Guthrie, 2008; OECD, 2006) For example Irish Defence Forces, Education in the Republic of Ireland (Primary and Secondary Education), Garda Síochána, etc. According to Boardbent & Guthrie (2008), there are four key domains […]

Enterprise Architecture Development

Enterprise Architecture development involves defining current state architecture, planning for future state architecture, evaluating different scenarios, and developing orientation points, processes, and principles for the architecture. The concept usually contains both a framework and a process of developing and implementing the EA. Its development and implementation must be managed and governed and focus its attention […]

What is Enterprise Architecture?

Enterprise Architecture is the high-level analysis and documentation of an enterprise in its current and future states of an integrated strategy, business, and technology perspective. An enterprise is an organization or sub-activity whose boundary can be defined by common-held goals, processes, and resources and one common reporting center. Enterprise Architecture is driven by strategic goals […]