Future role of CIO

As game-changing technologies transform every business process, they also give us the ability to create new products and services that were impossible just a few years ago. Therefore, the future role of CIO is shifting from protecting and defending the status quo to embracing and extending new innovative capabilities. The experience which IT has gained […]

Case Study: Information Systems and Information Technology at Zara

A case study for Information Systems at Zara. Zara is by far the largest, most profitable and most internationalized fashion retail chain. Zara’s success is based on a business system that depends on vertical integration, in-house production, quick response, one centralized distribution centre and low advertising cost. It can be summarized as follows: Design: The […]

Challenges faced when updating the functions of Information Systems

The following are some of the challenges when updating the functions of information systems: People Employees resist change to new process methods. A general lack of user acceptance after System has gone live. Workforce receives inadequate education to operate the new system properly. The new system has a high learning curve beyond the capacity of […]

Evolution of the Internet

Some of the important years in the evolution of Internet are as follows: 1958: The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was created following an initiative by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 1961: The principle of transmission of data in small portions or packets simplified the transfer of data within a computer network. 1965: The first wide-area […]

Evolution of Information System Function

An information system is a combination of processes, hardware, trained personnel, software, infrastructure and standards that are designed to create, modify, store, manage and distribute information to suggest new business strategies and new products. It leads to efficient work practices and effective communication to make better decisions in an organization. There has been a significant evolution […]

Service culture in an Information System function

In Information System departments,customer satisfaction is not always its prime objective as departments are too obsessed with technology. However, infrastructure and basic applications are seen as a service to business users Pressure to change evolution Outsourcing and need to measure performance Compulsory competitive tendering and user power; Push to deliver high-quality service while driving out […]

Main concerns for IS/IT management when outsourcing

This post discusses main concerns for IS/IT management when outsourcing. Outsourcing some or all of a firm’s computer operations, network operations or IT function results in a number of concerns for IT management.  Four aspects that need to be managed well include: Organisational Structure Governance Day-to-day working Supplier Development Some challenges with outsourcing include becoming […]

Implications for IT/IS Management when exploiting Cloud computing

The IT industry is going through great transformation and cloud computing is helping to deliver business-driven speed and agility and IT readers must ask themselves  “Are we, as an organization, well-suited or ill-suited for the future of IT, and can we afford not to be ready?” Many legacy data centres are built on old technology […]

Evolution of CIO

For many pioneers and early adopters , the technology was little more than a curiosity. Few people in the 1970s and early 1980s had the vision to see where it was headed. Evolution of CIO in the organization have evolved in parallel with information technology’s development. In the decade of the 1970s, I/S leaders were challenged to […]

Key Components of Information System Management

This post discusses the key components of an Information System Management. The mission of Information Systems is to improve the performance of people in organizations through the use of information technology. In the early days of Information Systems, the ‘translation’ between IT and users was performed almost entirely by systems analysts. Over the last 50 […]