Common Viewpoints on ‘Productivity Paradox’

‘Productivity Paradox’ is the poor returns that many organizations experience from their investments in information systems. Or The productivity paradox (also the Solow computer paradox) is the peculiar observation made in business process analysis that, as more investment is made in information technology, worker productivity may go down instead of up. In 1988, OECD found […]

Knowledge Management Models

“Knowledge is experience.  Everything else is information.” Einstein Knowledge Management (KM) is a process that helps organisations identify, select, organise, disseminate and transfer important information and expertise that are part of the organisations memory. The following theoretical Knowledge Management models have been developed in order to simplify complex situations which can be more readily grasped […]

Why public sector experience difficulties in developing an information systems strategy?

A public sector organisation is one whose ownership, funding and operation are by the government or one of its agencies (Broadbent and Guthrie, 2008; OECD, 2006) For example Irish Defence Forces, Education in the Republic of Ireland (Primary and Secondary Education), Garda Síochána, etc. According to Boardbent & Guthrie (2008), there are four key domains […]

Benefits and Challenges of Business IT/IS alignment

What business IT/IS alignment is There is no universal definition for IT/IS Alignment. It is the process that brings a degree of strategic intent and coordination to the business activities. Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) describe IT/IS alignment as the degree of ‘Fit’ or the ‘support’ to ensure the integration of IT into the business strategy […]

Key factors influencing the emergence of Disruptive Technologies

According to Barlow and Li (2007), the three key factors influencing the emergence of disruptive technologies and applications are as follows: The advancement and convergence of computing, telecommunications and media The advent of the information / network economy The evolving chief information officer (CIO) agenda The advancement of information and communications technologies (ICT) has acted […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning System

An Enterprise Resource Planning system can be used to control all major business processes with a single software architecture in real-time.  It is composed of a set of applications that automate routine operations such as Financial Management, Stock Control, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource processes – Goal Setting, Time Recording, Payroll etc.  And it’s success […]

How has the digital economy impacted business strategy?

The Digital Economy – “is characterised by the use ICT’s to undertake business processes (e-business); effect transactions along the supply chain (e-commerce) and the coordination of entrepreneurial activities based on knowledge, innovation, and creativity.” Technological advances had an enormous impact on the business community as the means to produce/sell products, communicate with customers and stakeholders, […]

Comparing Positioning approach versus Resource Based View?

Business strategies have changed by necessity, the competitive advantage where organizations seek opportunities and adapt to changes in market conditions and embrace change through innovation and embed learning in the organization. Strategy refers to a long-term action plan for achieving the stated aims of an organization. Three dominant drivers – globalization, collaboration, and knowledge (including […]

Evolution of Strategic Management from the 1950’s to the modern day

Strategic Management in the 1950’s started with business case studies and the works and theories of Druker, Selznick, Chandler, and Ansof (and others). Industrial economics and industrial organisation provided the basis to develop strategic management theories in the 1950’s. Economic theory based on Industrial-Organizational Approach dealt with issues like the competitive rivalry, resource allocation, and […]