Machine learning detects patterns in data, focuses on growth and adjusts when new data exposes a computer programme. It is closely related to computational statistics and links to mathematical optimisation. It offers tools that apply to predict, classify and cluster problems. It cannot be applied to everything and the data computer analyses depend on the problem entirely.

There are two popular approaches to machine learning :

  1. Artificial Neural Networks: It is a model of reasoning based on the human brain. Each neuron is an information processing unit and both data and processing are global and not local. Learning is through repeated adjustments.
  2. Genetic Algorithms: These are a class of random search algorithms based on biological evolution. These algorithms have an iteration known as a generation.

Four broad areas classify tasks solved by Machine learning depending on the nature of learning “signal” or “feedback”:

Machine learning can also solve key information technology (IT) operations. It is used to analyse IT performance issues, offer insights and automatically find and isolate disruptions and failures.

To identify and predict anomalies machine learning depends on these types of data analysis: