Jobs which are most susceptible to automation

Throughout history, the technological advances have raised fears that traditional jobs will become obsolete. In this post, I find out the jobs which are most susceptible to automation. Elon Musk told the National Governors Association: “There certainly will be job disruption. Because what’s going to happen is robots will be able to do everything better […]

Technology raise Food Allergy Awareness

Dietary allergens are part of everyday life. There is no quick fix to eliminate them from our diet. Due to the nature of prevailing allergies, they are not confined to a specific minority or majority, they do not differentiate between ethnicity or gender and they do not show quarter when they target infant new-borns or the elderly. […]

Analysis of Residential Property Prices in Dublin

Living in Dublin, Ireland is amazingly expensive. Residential property prices in Dublin are growing. Yet we all think about buying a home while still wondering whether we might be better off continuing to rent. The data analyst in me wanted to dive deeper, to look back historically, to quantify, to visualize the trends, etc. to […]

10 groups of Machine Learning Algorithms

In this article, I grouped some of the popular machine learning algorithms either by learning or problem type. There is a brief description of how these algorithms work and their potential use case. Regression How it works: A regression uses the historical relationship between an independent and a dependent variable to predict the future values […]

Steps to improve Indigenous Innovation in Ireland

Among the contributions of Joseph Schumpeter to economics was an understanding of long economic cycles, and how these are initiated by “clusters” of innovations (Schumpeter, 1939). Historically, there has been a remarkable coincidence between such clusters and legal changes which improve the protection of information. The institutional change that could stimulate the next long technological […]

Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Explained

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises that are EU-based or established in a country associated to Horizon 2020 SME Instrument can get EU funding and support for innovation projects that will help them grow and expand their activities into other countries in Europe and beyond. It offers support under the section Societal Challenges and the specific part Leadership in Enabling and […]

Why is SBIR in the US so successful ?

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs dates to 1982 and was created to harness the innovativeness of U.S. small business—both to help meet the high-priority technology needs of the federal government and to benefit the national economy. It is an initiative of civil servant Roland Tibbetts who founded it in National Science Foundation. Tibbetts fought […]

Countvectorizer sklearn example

This countvectorizer sklearn example is from Pycon Dublin 2016. For further information please visit this link. The dataset is from UCI. In [2]: messages = [line.rstrip() for line in open(‘smsspamcollection/SMSSpamCollection’)] In [3]: print (len(messages)) 5574 In [5]: for num,message in enumerate(messages[:10]): print(num,message) print (‘n’) 0 ham Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e […]

Future role of CIO

As game-changing technologies transform every business process, they also give us the ability to create new products and services that were impossible just a few years ago. Therefore, the future role of CIO is shifting from protecting and defending the status quo to embracing and extending new innovative capabilities. The experience which IT has gained […]

Case Study: Information Systems and Information Technology at Zara

A case study for Information Systems at Zara. Zara is by far the largest, most profitable and most internationalized fashion retail chain. Zara’s success is based on a business system that depends on vertical integration, in-house production, quick response, one centralized distribution centre and low advertising cost. It can be summarized as follows: Design: The […]