3 Examples of User Personas – Clear and Practical Way

The following post provides 3 examples of user personas created using Google Analytics and Data Studio. Automated data collection and consolidation is done by Data Studio to generate dashboard and reports. What are user personas? User personas are profiles of our customers to help understand their needs, behavior, and goals. These users share similar characteristics, […]

7 ShortListed Free and Decisive MLOps Tools for Food Recipe Application

This article discusses Machine Learning Model Operationalization Management (MLOps) tools to develop and deploy a food recipe application. It lists the tools that are framework-, platform-, and infrastructure-agnostic using Python for development. To find the ideal tool for the MLOps task, a decision-making and analysis process is employed. The goal is to design an end-to-end […]

AI for Healthcare

This post provides a link to my Github repository for my submissions for Udacity’s AI for Healthcare Nanodegree Program. I learned to build, evaluate, and integrate predictive models that have the power to transform patient outcomes and uses AI for Healthcare.  I started by classifying and segmenting 2D and 3D medical images to augment diagnosis and then moved on to modelling patient outcomes with electronic health records to optimize clinical trial testing decisions. Finally, I build an algorithm that uses data collected from wearable devices to estimate the wearer’s pulse rate in the presence of motion. Applying AI to 2D Medical Imaging Data I learnt the fundamental skills needed to work with 2D medical imaging data and how to use AI to derive clinically-relevant insights from data gathered via different types of 2D medical imaging such as x-ray, mammography, and digital pathology. In this project, I analyzed data from the NIH Chest X-ray dataset and trained a CNN to classify a given chest X-ray for the presence or absence of pneumonia. First, I curated training and testing sets that are appropriate for the clinical question at hand from a large collection of medical images. Then, I created a pipeline to extract images from DICOM files that can be fed into CNN for model training. Lastly, I wrote an FDA 501(k) validation plan that formally describes my model, the data that it was trained on, and a validation plan that meets FDA criteria in order to obtain clearance of the software being used as a medical device. AI for Healthcare is used in the project. Applying AI to 3D Medical Imaging Data I learnt the fundamental skills to work with 3D medical imaging datasets and frame insights derived from the data in a clinically relevant context.  In this project, I went through the steps to create an algorithm that will helps clinicians assess hippocampal volume in an automated way and integrated this algorithm into a clinician’s working environment. Hippocampus is one of the major structures of the human brain with functions that are primarily connected to learning and memory. The volume of the hippocampus may change over time, with age, or as a result of the disease. In order to measure hippocampal volume, a 3D imaging technique with good soft-tissue contrast is required. MRI provides such imaging characteristics, but manual volume measurement still requires careful and time-consuming delineation of the hippocampal boundary.  Applying AI to EHR Data I learnt the fundamental skills to work with EHR data and build and evaluate compliant, interpretable models. In this project, I worked with real, de-identified EHR data to build a regression model to predict the estimated hospitalization time for a patient and select/filter patients for the study. I analyzed an EHR dataset, transform it to the right level, build powerful features with TensorFlow, and modelled the uncertainty and bias with TensorFlow Probability and Aequitas.Applying AI to Wearable Device Data I learnt how to build algorithms that process the data collected by wearable devices and surface insights about the wearer’s health. […]

Difference Between Cross-selling and Up-selling

This post tells the difference between cross-selling and up-selling. Cross-selling identifies products that satisfy additional complementary needs that are unfulfilled by the original item. It points users to products they would have purchased anyway by sharing them at the right time to ensure a sale. For example, Comb sale to a customer buying a blow […]

Economic Impact of the EU Membership on the UK

23rd June 2016, voters from United Kingdom (UK) voted in the Brexit referendum to leave European Union (EU) with a small majority vote of 51.9 %. The decision to leave EU since joining in 1973 has consequences that are both profound and catastrophic. The post analysis of the referendum found that the issues for Brexit can be categorized […]

Jobs which are most susceptible to automation

Throughout history, the technological advances have raised fears that traditional jobs will become obsolete. In this post, I find out the jobs which are most susceptible to automation. Elon Musk told the National Governors Association: “There certainly will be job disruption. Because what’s going to happen is robots will be able to do everything better […]

Analysis of Residential Property Prices in Dublin

Living in Dublin, Ireland is amazingly expensive. Residential property prices in Dublin are growing. Yet we all think about buying a home while still wondering whether we might be better off continuing to rent. The data analyst in me wanted to dive deeper, to look back historically, to quantify, to visualize the trends, etc. to […]

Steps to improve Indigenous Innovation in Ireland

Among the contributions of Joseph Schumpeter to economics was an understanding of long economic cycles, and how these are initiated by “clusters” of innovations (Schumpeter, 1939). Historically, there has been a remarkable coincidence between such clusters and legal changes which improve the protection of information. The institutional change that could stimulate the next long technological […]

Future role of CIO

As game-changing technologies transform every business process, they also give us the ability to create new products and services that were impossible just a few years ago. Therefore, the future role of CIO is shifting from protecting and defending the status quo to embracing and extending new innovative capabilities. The experience which IT has gained […]

Case Study: Information Systems and Information Technology at Zara

A case study for Information Systems at Zara. Zara is by far the largest, most profitable and most internationalized fashion retail chain. Zara’s success is based on a business system that depends on vertical integration, in-house production, quick response, one centralized distribution centre and low advertising cost. It can be summarized as follows: Design: The […]