3 Examples of User Personas – Clear and Practical Way

The following post provides 3 examples of user personas created using Google Analytics and Data Studio. Automated data collection and consolidation is done by Data Studio to generate dashboard and reports. What are user personas? User personas are profiles of our customers to help understand their needs, behavior, and goals. These users share similar characteristics, […]

Data-driven Analytics Support for E-commerce

This post details how to develop data-driven analytics support for e-commerce. E-Commerce is a fast-growing and highly competitive space. Businesses need to continue testing and iterating to improve business operations, stand out from the competition and ensure that it is moving in the right direction. The GitHub repository has code for a web application that […]

Deploy Tableau Server on AWS

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying Tableau Server standalone architecture on AWS.  Tableau Server is an online solution for sharing, distributing, and collaborating on business intelligence content created in Tableau. Tableau Server users can create workbooks and views, dashboards, and data sources in Tableau Desktop, and then publish this content to the server.  Tableau […]

An Analysis of the Impact of EU Membership on the Economic Development of Ireland

Recent economic recession and Brexit has raised doubts about the EU membership among member nations. This paper analyzes the public data from World Bank to determine the impact to the economic development of Ireland since joining the EU on 1st January 1973. The paper shows that EU membership has a positive relationship with the development […]

Effect on Facebook’s Stock Price after Cambridge Analytica Scandal

Recently, Facebook is in news almost daily for its inability to prevent Cambridge Analytica(CA) from gathering personal data from 87 million users. CA used the harvested data to profile users to predict voting patterns in 2016 US presidential elections. Some of the important dates for the event are: March 16, 2018: The news broke of […]

Solutions to Support Real-Time Data Analytics

Organisations embracing big data use non-traditional strategies and technologies to gather, organize, process and gather insights from large datasets. These solutions do not support real-time analytics. Real-time analytics require technology to handle data that is generated at high velocity and send by the sources simultaneously in small sizes. Data is required to be processed sequentially […]

Analysis of winning numbers of Irish Lotto

This blog is an analysis of winning numbers of Irish Lotto from last two years. The National Lottery brought new initiatives from Thursday, September 3, 2015, with adding two numbers to the draw meaning players choose from 47 numbers rather than 45 numbers. With this change, the odds of picking the six winning numbers went from just […]

Technology raise Food Allergy Awareness

Dietary allergens are part of everyday life. There is no quick fix to eliminate them from our diet. Due to the nature of prevailing allergies, they are not confined to a specific minority or majority, they do not differentiate between ethnicity or gender and they do not show quarter when they target infant new-borns or the elderly. […]

Analysis of Residential Property Prices in Dublin

Living in Dublin, Ireland is amazingly expensive. Residential property prices in Dublin are growing. Yet we all think about buying a home while still wondering whether we might be better off continuing to rent. The data analyst in me wanted to dive deeper, to look back historically, to quantify, to visualize the trends, etc. to […]

What Make A Really Good Diamond?

The aim of this blog is to assess the quality and characteristics of the diamonds and gain insights about what makes a really good diamond. The data set is from ggplot2. The explanatory data analysis is done in Python and the notebooks are available on my Github. This blog address few important questions such as: […]