This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying Tableau Server standalone architecture on AWS. 

Tableau Server is an online solution for sharing, distributing, and collaborating on business intelligence content created in Tableau. Tableau Server users can create workbooks and views, dashboards, and data sources in Tableau Desktop, and then publish this content to the server. 

Tableau Server site and server administrators control who has access to server content to help protect sensitive data. Administrators can set user permissions on projects, workbooks, views, and data sources. Users can see and interact with the most up-to-date server content from anywhere, whether they use a browser or a mobile device.

Step 1 : Prepare an AWS Account

  1. If you don’t already have an AWS account, create one at following the on-screen instructions. 
  2. Use the region selector in the navigation bar to choose theAWS Region where you want to deployTableau Serveron AWS.
  3. Create a key pair in your preferred region.To do this, in the navigation pane of the Amazon EC2 console, underNetwork & Security, choose Key Pairs, and then click Create Key Pair.
  4. (Optional)Create an Amazon EC2 security group with the following inbound rules: HTTP port80,HTTPSport 443, SSHport 22, and RDPport 3389. Limit the source IP address range to computers from your IP address range in CIDR notation.
  5. If necessary,request a service quota increase for the Amazon EC2 m5.4xlargeinstance. You might need to do this if you already have an existing deployment that uses this instance type, and you think you might exceed the default limit with this reference deployment.

Step 2: Use CloudFormation

  1. Code the infrastructure using the CloudFormation template language in the YAML 
  2. Use AWS CloudFormation via the browser console, command-line tools, or APIs to create a stack-based on the template code.
  3. AWS CloudFormation provisions and configures the stacks and resources you specified in your template.

Step 3. Test the Deployment

  1. Navigate to the public IP address/hostname for Tableau Server from an IP address within the CIDR you specified.
  2. Log in to Tableau Server using the administrator credentials you provided as the Tableau Server administrator username and Tableau Server administrator password in the AWS CloudFormation template.
  3. Navigate to the Server Status tab and verify that all processes have green checkmarks

Stage 4 (Optional) Configure Amazon Route 53 to route traffic to an Amazon EC2 instance

  1. Get the IP address for the Amazon EC2 instance: On the Description tab, get the value of Elastic IPs. If you didn’t associate an Elastic IP with the instance, get the value of IPv4 Public IP
  2. Open the Route 53 console at
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Hosted zones. Choose the name of the hosted zone that matches the name of the domain that you want to route traffic for.
  4. Specify the following values:

Step 5 (Optional)Use DNS validation:

  1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the ACM console at
  2. the introductory page appears, choose Get Started. Otherwise, choose Request a certificate.
  3. On the Request a certificate page, type your domain name.  For more information about typing domain names, see Requesting a Public Certificate.
  4. To add more domain names to the ACM certificate, type other names as text boxes open beneath the name you just typed. 
  5. Choose Next.
  6. Choose DNS validation.
  7. Choose Review and request. Verify that the domain name and validation method are correct.
  8. Choose Confirm and request.
  9. On the Validation page, retrieve the name of the CNAME record that must be added to your DNS database. You can do this in two ways:
  10. Visit 
  11. In the Domain section, expand your domain information and record the Name of the CNAME record.
  12. Validation page. The information in the file still needs to be added manually to your DNS database.
