Enterprise Architecture is the high-level analysis and documentation of an enterprise in its current and future states of an integrated strategy, business, and technology perspective. An enterprise is an organization or sub-activity whose boundary can be defined by common-held goals, processes, and resources and one common reporting center.

Enterprise Architecture is driven by strategic goals and business requirements.

Enterprise Architecture = Strategy + Business + Technology

Enterprise Architecture (EA) has got the following characteristics:

Enterprise Architecture’s purpose is often to help a business in the following ways:

The enterprise architecture benefits include the following:

Enterprise Architecture is not an approach to fix just one type of problem but applies to many. Hence, constructing up the right architecture depends on the quality of the planning process. The selection of a particular framework or just having EA is rarely the key to success. Instead; it is how the framework is applied that makes a difference. The EA that fits an enterprise often is a mix of multiple frameworks. It’s a long-term commitment with continuous improvements and not just a “one-off”. It should be a “live” document that needs to be updated when necessary.

Also, this won’t solve all the problems, but just help assess which those problems are and it is up to the management to fix them.

While designing the architecture, there should be a focus on the business requirements and the strategic goals and how can Information Technology help to achieve both.

A well-organized Information system can help an enterprise to have integrated and improved information about the organization‘s resources. This, in turn, will enable better communication and common understanding between different stakeholders and helps to reduce re-work and duplicated efforts, more profitability, and quicker time to market, improve strategy execution, and even reduced IT costs.