“Knowledge is experience.  Everything else is information.” Einstein

Knowledge Management (KM) is a process that helps organisations identify, select, organise, disseminate and transfer important information and expertise that are part of the organisations memory.

The following theoretical Knowledge Management models have been developed in order to simplify complex situations which can be more readily grasped and therefore adopted/implemented

The SECI Model – Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995)

Nonaka and Takeuchi developed the SECI model to provide a useful guide to managers in the early days of development of KM theories.  The authors us tacit and explicit knowledge dimensions and demonstrate four methods by which they are applied.

Tacit knowledge (that is, information, experience, skills and intuition that reside in people’s heads) can only be voluntarily shared and the extent to which people are motivated to share their knowledge is dependent on developing shared contexts, socialisation, trust and nurturing an appropriate knowledge sharing culture. Sveiby (1997) highlights the need for managers to realise that knowledge resides in people’s heads and will only be transferred if a knowledge sharing culture and environment is provided.

Explicit knowledge is information that can be codified (documented), is objective and can be recorded in electronic format and widely disseminated throughout the organisation. Once captured and stored, efficient and effective information systems are required to allow timely access to up-to-date, relevant knowledge artefacts.

The four methods of the SECI model are

E.g. building a design prototype, or a researcher can assemble existing explicit knowledge to prepare a new set of specifications for a new product.

Organisational knowledge creation takes place when all four modes are strategically managed to form a continual cycle.  This can be viewed as a continued upward spiral process, beginning at individual level and moving up to group level and then to organisational level.


Categorises knowledge into tacit or explicit while most useful is a combination of both types. (Gourlay, 2003)

Doesn’t consider that knowledge can be distorted through translation/transferal, thus ignoring the personal nature of most knowledge.

Over-reliance on technology to manipulate, store and disseminate knowledge.

The ASHEN Model – Snowden (2000)

Snowden developed an approach that applies complexity theory to knowledge management, which focuses on the use of the techniques of narrative and is based on an ‘organic’ approach to KM.  The techniques of narrative involve capturing ‘stories’ that people tell about events in the organisation and then storing these in a database with an index that permits that permits multiple searches on keywords or phrases.  A fast and efficient way to store and disseminate knowledge effectively.  A means of gaining understanding of how knowledge flows within an organisation.

E.g. Good way to store project ‘Lessons Learned’

The ASHEN model was an attempt to provide a linguistic basis for people to describe how they locate, use and share knowledge and is based on the premise of ‘we only know what we know when we need to know it’ and ‘knowledge can only ever be volunteered’ (Snowden, 2000)

Model consists of:

Managers can use the ASHEN model to help people explain what components of knowledge they used or would like to have had when they undertook particular tasks or projects (Snowden, 2000). They can articulate this by describing what ASHEN items were involved in the process and can identify where in the organisation these components reside.  This is not a model to categorise knowledge, but a means of identifying the knowledge flow within an organisation.  It helps create a shift from key-person dependency towards knowledge dependency where the emphasis is not on key ‘experts’ who may be the only individuals who know about a specific process but on an understanding of what types of knowledge are required to undertake a particular process, and where this knowledge resides.


Does not dictate any specific tools and techniques to capture and disseminate knowledge.

Time-consuming process, carrying this out at the end of project to record all knowledge types for each element may be tedious, relies on the commitment of resources to follow the processes accurately

The Knowledge Management Spectrum – Binney (2001)

This framework was developed to cover the broad range of KM applications and ensuing tools and techniques.  An understanding of the various range of KM applications, together with their enabling technologies, provides mangers with concrete examples of how and when such technologies can be usefully applied.

The six elements of KM spectrum:

Transactional KM relies on the use of knowledge gained through the application of technology and is based on case-based reasoning (CBR). When a transaction is being completed the operator inputs the data to match similar past cases, this way issues/processes are grouped and can be resolved using past experience.

Applications: CBR, Help Desk Apps, Customer Service Application

Enabling Technology: Expert systems, Cognitive technologies, Semantic networks

Applications: Data Warehousing, data mining, business Intelligence

Enabling Technology: Intelligent Agent, Web Crawlers, Relational and Object DBMS

Applications: IP, Doc Management, Knowledge Repositories

Enabling Technology: Document Mgmt. tools, Search engines, knowledge maps, library system

Applications: TQM, Benchmarking, Best Practices, Quality Management, BPR

Enabling Technology: Workflow management, process modelling

Applications: Skills development, staff competencies, training and development

Emerging Technology: Computer-based training, Online training

Applications: Discussion forums, virtual teams, multi-disciplinary teams

Enabling Technologies: email, intranets, bulletin boards, video conferencing

All the models presented represent different ways to explore and explain the complexity of KM.  They help managers to understand the key components of knowledge, how knowledge flows in organisations and the tools and techniques which may be applied to manage different types of knowledge.  They do not, however explain where the knowledge comes from or the organisational learning systems that need to be in place to create new knowledge.

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